Production environment for heat treatment

Update: 18-01-2021

1. Environmental pollution caused by heat treatment (1) […]

1. Environmental pollution caused by heat treatment

(1) Pollution to the atmosphere

Traditional heat treatment not only consumes a lot of energy, but also the oily fume generated during the cooling process of the parts or the heating process because the parts are not cleaned can also cause certain pollution to the atmosphere. With the increasing updating of heat treatment technology and heat treatment equipment, traditional oil quenching has been replaced by new, green, and environmentally friendly organic quenching media. At the same time, various types of cleaning machines and oil fume extraction devices have been developed to prevent quenching oil fume. Played a fundamental control effect, while greatly reducing its pollution to the atmosphere. In traditional salt bath treatment, the salt steam produced also causes certain pollution to the atmosphere. With the rapid development of heat treatment technology and heat treatment equipment manufacturing industry, the traditional salt bath treatment has been replaced by new, green and environmentally friendly heat treatment technology. At the same time, the new type of salt bath equipment effectively recovers salt vapor and greatly Reduce its pollution to the atmosphere.

(2) Pollution to water

Early parts need to be cleaned or cooled with clean water after oil quenching or salt bath treatment, and then the oily and salty water is discharged into nature without treatment, thus causing certain pollution to the water. With the continuous updating of heat treatment equipment, various types of cleaning machines have replaced traditional cleaning methods, and various types of separation devices ensure that the salt in the brine is fully separated, thereby ensuring that the water discharged into the natural world can fully comply with the state Emission requirements specified in relevant standards.

(3) Pollution to soil

Early waste oil and waste salt will be thrown away directly, which will cause some pollution to the soil. With the centralized recycling of waste oil and waste salt, not only can it “turn waste into treasure”, but it will also not pollute the soil.

2. The production environment for heat treatment

(1) Staff office environment: strive to be comfortable, tidy and standard.

(2) Production environment: strive to be scientific, reasonable and safe.

(3) Material and parts logistics environment: strive to be strict, regular and precise.

(4) Document and data storage environment: strive to be real-time, prudent, detailed and traceable.

(5) Test work environment: strive to be strict, regular, precise, and law-abiding.


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